Time. Anyone else feel that there’s never enough hours in the day?


Something I wish I had more of. Most days I feel that there isn’t enough hours in the day.

Trying to fit in all the demands of everyday family life, also all the things I want to do and all the things I feel that I should do!

Everyday my head is filled with things that need doing and the list seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger – My son’s ever growing homework, the dreaded ‘family homework’ every half term, making sure my family get healthy, homemade nutritious meals (whether they get eaten is a completely different matter), finding time to keep fit & getting rid of the ‘mum tum’ , finding ‘me time’ & also quality time with the husband, spending time with the important people in my life, drinking enough bloody water, getting enough sleep, having a beauty regime (that consists of more than just showering), trying to have a social life, keeping on top of the never ending washing pile….. The list just keeps going!

So how do get more of this precious time and is there anything you can do about this never ending list?

I’ve started to look at the choices I make everyday and decide whether I’m making the right choices for myself and my family. Do what’s necessary and essential to live and then just choose the things you want you want to do. Try not to worry about the little things, take some of the pressure off.

People say to me all the time ‘how do you do it?’ That I’m always rushing around here and there everyday. I find my day to day life easier being out and about with my little ones. We love going to all sorts of classes. We love to explore, therefore the housework can wait! I find when we stay in, after a while of playing I get sidetracked with the housework and all the jobs on my list, then start wondering why my toddlers won’t just play on their own and let me get on with my jobs. Obviously there are jobs that do need to be done, but I try to be flexible. I wait until nap time or once they’re in bed.

I want my children to remember playing with mummy and the places we went together, not how tidy our house was!

I’ve recently started a bullet journal to manage my time better. Check out bullet journals for yourself online. I love mine as I’ve always had little to do lists all over the place. I also struggled falling asleep as I had all the to do lists in my head too. It’s helped me to get organised and realise what’s important and what’s not worth worrying about.

I do fit a lot into the hours between my children going to bed and myself going to bed. I couldn’t live without those hours, that’s my time. I rush through the housework, eat tea with the husband, watch some TV, do some writing, researching things to do……

I’ve said it before, but your little ones really so grow up so fast. I hope you have liked my photos, just a few of my favourite ones of the three of them.

5 thoughts on “Time. Anyone else feel that there’s never enough hours in the day?

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