When Should You Start Potty Training? And What If They’re Ready But Mum’s Not!?


My twins have only just turned two and to be honest, I didn’t want to even start thinking about potty training them yet! It’s hard work, my eldest had no interest at all until he turned 3. Also, me and my twins are in a great routine and I don’t think I’m ready to have it messed up with potty training just yet!

I’ve decided though to talk about potty training now because earlier today when running Oscar and Isla a bath, I whipped their nappies off as normal getting them ready to jump in. Before putting Isla in, she got very upset shouting ‘wee wee’ and ‘nappy nappy’. I had obviously thrown her nappy away. We keep two potties in the bathroom so they can get used to them so I explained to Isla not to worry and that she can wee on the potty as she seemed distressed at the thought of weeing on the floor.

And as if by magic, she sat straight on the potty and had a wee! She was over the moon with herself and I was super proud too! Although, as I bathed them both I thought ‘Am I ready for this?’ The answer is No! Just turned two is too young is it not? Over time it will be easier than changing so many nappies, but how do you even potty train twins? Do I wait for Oscar to show some signs? What are the signs anyway? My eldest literally turned three and told me her didn’t want nappies anymore and that was than!

So, I headed to the internet to get some advice about signs of readiness. There is loads of information out there, here’s some of the main points I’ve taken from my research:

  • encourage the behaviour you want- explain what the potty is for, let them flush the toilet after you use it, get them to wash their hands.
  • If they’re not ready, you won’t be able to make them go on the potty- using the potty is a skill children need to learn.
  • There’s no perfect age and no child is different- so it’s likely my twins wont’ be ready at the same time.
  • There are also a number of signs that your child is starting to develop bladder control including acknowledging when they have had a wee or telling you in advance.

After reading lots of advice, I feel less nervous about starting. I’m going to try and relax about the situation and let them take lead.

For now, I plan on having two potties downstairs as well as in the upstairs bathroom, so every nappy change we can talk about potties.

I plan on each bath time, giving them more time out of their nappies and seeing what happens.

So watch this space and any advice is welcome, especially if you have already successfully potty trained twins!

4 thoughts on “When Should You Start Potty Training? And What If They’re Ready But Mum’s Not!?

  1. We are not there yet. I need to read more on the attachment parenting views on this since I’ve read we should just leave them alone and not train them. So I am torn, I don’t know if I will follow your very nice tips or not train at all, to be honest.


    1. With my eldest I tried to train for about a year, in the end I just left him and that worked perfectly for him! I’m going to leave the potties around and see what happens!


  2. Love this one! We read the book Oh Crap Potty Training. It worked great. Our next step is getting her completely independent instead of getting up with her to go 1-2 times a night. 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

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